Easy Guide to Piazza del Popolo Spectacular Square in Rome

Can a square deserve a full guide to visiting it? When we are talking about Piazza del Popolo, possibly the world’s most glamorous entrance to a city’s historic center, it can. Boasting a long history and literally packed with landmarks, Rome’s Piazza del Popolo is one of those places that will take at least an hour to visit or even an hour and a half if you devote the right time to the different masterpieces that start right from the gate.

Thankfully, Piazza del Popolo is one of those squares that sooner or later you will cross, whether you are staying in Rome for four days or even only one day. Close to the metro, right at the feet of the Pincio terrace, one of Rome’s coolest viewpoints, giving access to the three shopping streets of the Tridente area, Piazza del Popolo is an unmissable central hub and historically one of the most important entrances to the city if you were coming from the north.

Our simple guide to Piazza del Popolo aims to make it easy for you to explore this landmark of Rome so that you don’t just cross through and miss important masterpieces that you will regret later.

Image: Porta del Popolo gate and Santa maria del popolo basilica in piazza del popolo in rome. Photo credit of Rome Actually

What to see in Piazza del Popolo

Porta del Popolo

Its ancient name was Porta Flaminia because it was the gate of the Aurelian Walls that, from the consular via Flaminia road, opened up to Rome’s Centro Storico.

During the papacy of Sixtus IV, so around the 15th century, the Porta del Popolo gate was in a bad state of disrepair heavily damaged by negligence, time, and medieval sieges.

Image: Photo of Porta del Popolo by Rome Actually

Its current look dates back to the 16th century: Pope Pius IV commissioned the external facade to Michelangelo but he declined the work and gave it to Nanni di Baccio Bigio who restored it between 1562 and 1565.

The internal facade is one of the works of Bernini in Rome.

Santa Maria del Popolo Basilica

The Basilica of Santa Maria del Popolo itself enshrines a great wealth of masterpieces and collaboration of leading artists. One of the highest examples of Roman Renaissance buildings, inside the basilica you should look for the artwork often preserved in several chapels.

Image: Inside Santa Maria del Popolo basilica in Rome. Photo credit of Rome Actually

Cerasi Chapel near the altar displays two paintings of Caravaggio, while Cappella della Rovere, is worth a visit for the beautiful frescoes by Pinturicchio.

The beautiful and most important chapel is Cappella Chigi which wealthy banker Agostino Chigi commissioned for Raphael in 1513. The chapel was completed by Bernini between 1652 and 1656 upon commission by Pope Alexander VII Chigi.

Museo Leonardo Da Vinci

Right next to the Basilica of Santa Maria del Popolo is the Leonardo Da Vinci Museum to celebrate and show the talent of Italian Renaissance genius, inventor, scientist, engineer, architect, and all-around artist.

Three monumental fountains

Piazza del Popolo hosts three monumental fountains of Rome: Fontana dei Leoni, Fontana della Dea Roma, and Fontana del Nettuno.

Fountain of the Lions

The largest and most famous fountain is located in the center of the square and is known as the Fountain of the Lions. Made by Giuseppe Valadier, originally, its water was supplied by the Aqua Virgo ancient aqueduct.

Image: Fontana dei Leoni in Piazza del Popolo in Rome. Photo credit of Rome Actually

Fountain of the Goddess Roma

The beautiful Fontana della Dea Roma was made by Giovanni Ceccarini following a design by Giuseppe Valadier. It was placed in the eastern hemicycle at the foot of the Pincio Mount in Villa Borghese and represents the goddess symbol of the city of Rome with the statues of the two Roman rivers Tiber and Aniene on each side.

Image: Photo of Fontana della Dea Roma in Piazza del Popolo by Rome Actually

Fountain of the Neptune

Facing the Roma goddess, on the western hemicycle of Piazza del Popolo, is the beautiful Fontana del Nettuno that, just like the other one, was designed by Valadier and realized by Ceccarini.

Image: Photo of Fontana del Nettuno in Piazza del Popolo square in Rome by Romeactually.com

The obelisk of Piazza del Popolo

The first Egyptian obelisk to have been brought to Rome from Egypt, Obelisco Flaminio was moved to Piazza del Popolo from the Circus Maximus in 1589 by Pope Sixtus V.

Carved around 1300 BC out of a monolith of red granite, this ancient obelisk measures almost 26 meters (85 feet).

Image: Twin churches and fountain in Piazza del Popolo in Rome. Photo credit of Rome Actually

The twin churches

The two churches on the sides at the entrance to Via del Corso look identical but they are not. Just like the two mirroring fountains on each side of the square, these churches, too, add to the architectural synching Valadier aimed at.

The churches are Santa Maria dei Miracoli and Santa Maria in Montesanto, also known as “Chiesa degli Artisti” (artists’ church). They were both built by Gian Lorenzo Bernini and Carlo Fontana following a project by Carlo Rainaldi.

The view from the Pincio terrace

One of the most famous panoramic viewpoints in Rome is from the Pincio terrace right on Piazza del Popolo. From there, you can admire the square in all its majestic and fully comprehend why it’s so famous and what makes it one of the most beautiful piazzas in Rome.

Image: Piazza del Popolo seen from the Pincio. Photo credit of Rome Actually

Where it is and how to reach Piazza del Popolo in Rome

  • Location. Piazza del Popolo is located at the beginning of the Tridente area, namely the three streets that form a triangle and are famous for their stores and boutiques: Via del Corso, Via di Ripetta, and Via del Babuino.
  • How to reach. Nothing is easier to reach in Rome than Piazza del Popolo. You can get to Piazza del Popolo easily by metro line A, the closest stop being Flaminio but also Spagna is nearby. Piazza del Popolo is a pretty busy bus hub too, and some of those stopping here and nearby are n. 61, 89, 120F, 150F, 490, 495, 590, 628, and the circular-route bus 119. The tram stopping in Flaminio stop, a two-minute walk from Piazza del Popolo, is n. 2.

Where to eat near Piazza del Popolo

Being the city center, I always recommend checking where to eat and not trusting all the tourist menus that try to lure you in. Here are some good restaurants around Piazza del Popolo and the city center.

  • Marzapane. This is a fine-dining, young restaurant some 350 meters (roughly 1150 feet) from Piazza del Popolo (Via Flaminia 64). Their food is made with fresh ingredients sourced from local producers and their recipes are daring, original, yet always with an eye to tradition. Wash your meal with a glass of one of the great wines on their list.
  • Ginger Sapori. Ginger Sapori is in Via Borgognona near Via del Corso and in Piazza Sant’Eustachio behind the Pantheon. With tables both inside and outdoor, here you can find healthy dishes, Buddha bowl-style meals, large platters, and fresh juices.
  • Da Gino al Parlamento. As the name reads, Da Gino is close to the Parliament building, but this is not the only reason why it’s a famous restaurant in Rome. Serving the dishes of Roman cuisine since 1963, here you can find delicious, authentic traditional dishes.
  • Armando al Pantheon. A restaurant famous for its traditional Roman dishes, Armando is located right beside the Pantheon. Prior booking is mandatory otherwise there is really little chance you can find a table.

Make sure you read our article on the most beautiful and historic bridges in Rome.

What to see and do near Piazza del Popolo

Being in the very city center, there are plenty of things to see and do around Piazza del Popolo. Here are some suggestions.

  • Tridente. If you are feeling like forking out some good cash, rest assured that around the exclusive Tridente roads, you are going to find fantastic clothes, accessories, shoes, and all you can think of.
  • Villa Borghese. Climb the Pincio mount from Piazza del Popolo and take a relaxing walk in one of Rome’s most beautiful urban parks.
  • Piazza di Spagna. A short walk away is the Spanish Steps and Piazza di Spagna square with the Barcaccia fountain.
  • Augustus Mausoleum. One of the most interesting ancient sites in Rome, the funerary mausoleum of the emperor Augustus is less than 500 meters (1640 feet) away. Right next to it is the Ara Pacis museum where it’s located an ancient Roman altar built to celebrate the newly restored peace in the empire.
  • Piazza Navona. Beautiful square boasting Bernini’s Fountain of the Four Rivers and Borromini’s Sant’Agnese in Agone church.
  • Trevi Fountain. Possibly Rome’s most spectacular fountain, Fontana di Trevi is a high example of the Italian Baroque boasting an ancient history and originally fed by the Aqua Virgo aqueduct.
  • Piazza Venezia. Large and busy square the panorama of which is dominated by the Vittoriano complex with the Altar of the Fatherland.
  • Capitoline Museums. One of the most interesting museums in Rome, here you will find a large collection of Roman tools and artifacts as well as Etruscan objects.
  • Trajan’s Markets. Near Piazza Venezia is the Trajan’s Markets, a fascinating archaeological site that hosts the museum of the Fori Imperiali.

Make sure you read our handy article on how to spend one perfect day in Rome’s city center.

Where to stay near Piazza del Popolo

Definitely the most glamorous area to book a hotel in Rome, in the city center there is a diverse range of accommodation options.

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About The Author: Angela Corrias

Hi, my name is Angela Corrias! I am an Italian journalist, photographer, and blogger living in Rome. After over ten years of living abroad, I finally came to the conclusion that in order to better organize my future adventures, I needed a base. Since I know and love Rome so much, I moved back to the Eternal City. This is how Rome Actually was born. Here, I cover everything about Rome, from the local food to the culture to Roman history.

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